How I Can Help You Succeed

Greetings Creatives!

Hello and welcome to my very first post in a renewed focus where I’m sharing my experiences from more than a decade researching and discovering social marketing strategies for creatives.

As a public affairs photo and broadcast journalist in the U.S. Air Force, I’ve worked side-by-side with other creatives as we came up with no-cost solutions to every day marketing issues that plague the majority of our career field. Most of these strategies easily translate into the civilian sector. By combining sidebar research and analyses with numerous articles and books from various sources across the web, I’ve compiled tools and techniques you can use to further your marketing plans.I earned my bachelor’s degree in public relations and marketing with Ashford University online. The “Inspiration” page on this site outlines the books I’ve read and resources that have been extremely helpful as a leader, marketer, father and even in starting this blog. I’m always reading so this list is continuing to grow.My passion is you, the small business owners and non-profit leaders who are extraordinarily good at what you do but find marketing difficult at times. I’m here to help you and since I have a full time job, I’m not looking for significant monetary gain as your consultant, what I’d really like to see is for you to succeed at whatever it is you do in your community. We’re here as a combined workforce building toward the same goal:

“Developing social marketing strategies for creatives while engineering a community of trust and support across borders and backgrounds.”

The topics I’ll cover all relate to digital marketing in some fashion or another. I’ll evaluate each topic based on three categories:


We live in a world full of opportunities to reach out and connect with others in our communities at home or around the world. Our task as marketers is to help others engage in activities that improve quality of life, welfare, and relations with the our neighbors, friends, and complete strangers.


Digital marketing requires employing a series of well-planned techniques or maneuvers specifically designed to connect an organization with their audience. Marketing is about combining all aspects of of the digital world with the tangible in a cohesive strategy for obtaining a specific goal or result.


Always think outside the box, be original, imaginative, engaging, relatable, consistent, and accessible across all mediums and avenues of connecting with your target audience. Never stop communicating, researching, analyzing, and developing new and improved ways of reaching across the digital divide in an effort to build a community around your product or service.Hold me accountable, but I’d like to bring you these three blog posts weekly followed up by a video blog posts further explaining each written post in an engaging, face-to-face, approach that shares the information in a relatable format for all viewers.

Thanks for joining me on this journey! Feel free to reach out at any time with your questions and I’ll be more than happy to help you as we work together to figure out the best strategies for connecting your organization with the community in which you serve.

How to connect with your millennial audience, customers


The Perfect Surprise Party