Amelia and the Science Fair

Chapter Fourteen: Spark at the Science Fair

It was a big day at school: the annual Science Fair. Amelia Jean Stratton had been working on her project for weeks—a model volcano complete with a baking soda and vinegar eruption. It wasn’t the flashiest project, but it was reliable, and more importantly, it wouldn’t get her into trouble.

Spark, naturally, had other ideas.

“Amelia Jean,” Spark said that morning, trotting into the kitchen with her mane shimmering more than usual, “I have decided to enhance your project.”

“Nope,” Amelia said immediately, grabbing her backpack.

“You haven’t even heard my plan!” Spark protested, following her.

“I don’t need to,” Amelia replied. “The answer is no. My volcano is fine the way it is.”

“Fine is the enemy of fabulous,” Spark declared, hopping onto the counter.

“Spark,” Mom said, walking in with her coffee, “if you interfere with the Science Fair, you’re banned from school events. Permanently.”

Spark gasped, clutching her chest. “You wound me, Andrea—uh, mortal mother figure! I am the picture of restraint!”

“You’re the picture of chaos,” Amelia muttered, zipping up her bag.

The Science Fair Setup

The school gymnasium was buzzing with activity. Tables lined the room, each one showcasing a different project: potato clocks, bottle rockets, and even a small robot that waved when people walked by.

Amelia carefully set up her volcano, glancing around nervously. “Stay hidden,” she whispered to Spark, who had shrunk to hamster size and was hiding in her bag.

“Relax, Amelia Jean,” Spark said. “I’m just here for moral support.”

“Your version of moral support usually involves glitter,” Amelia hissed.

Before Spark could reply, Lucy appeared at the next table, setting up her project: a solar-powered fan.

“Hey, Amelia!” Lucy said brightly. “Ready to wow everyone?”

“More like ready to survive,” Amelia replied, glancing at her volcano.

The First Incident

Everything was going smoothly until Spark decided to “help” Lucy’s fan.

“Amelia Jean,” Spark whispered from her hiding spot, “your friend’s project needs a little boost.”

“No,” Amelia said firmly. “Leave it alone.”

But Spark ignored her. With a faint glow of her horn, she zapped the fan. It immediately began spinning at super speed, sending papers flying off nearby tables.

“Whoa!” Lucy shouted, trying to grab the fan as it buzzed like a mini helicopter.

“Sorry!” Amelia said, quickly grabbing Spark and shoving her deeper into the bag. “It must be… extra solar-powered!”

Lucy blinked. “We’re indoors.”

“Uh… science?” Amelia said weakly.

The Eruption Disaster

Things got worse during the volcano presentations. Amelia’s turn was coming up, and Spark was buzzing with excitement.

“This is it,” Spark whispered. “Your big moment! Let me enhance the eruption.”

“No,” Amelia said through gritted teeth. “Do not touch my volcano.”

But when Amelia poured the vinegar into the volcano, Spark couldn’t resist.

Her horn glowed faintly, and suddenly the volcano erupted—not with foam, but with a geyser of glittery lava that shot five feet into the air.

The room went silent as everyone turned to stare.

“Whoa,” one kid whispered.

“Amelia!” the teacher shouted. “What did you put in that volcano?”

“Uh… baking soda?” Amelia said weakly, glaring at her bag.

Inside, Spark was giggling uncontrollably.

The Grand Finale

As if the glitter volcano wasn’t enough, Spark decided to make the Science Fair’s closing ceremony “memorable.”

When the principal stepped up to announce the winners, Spark zapped the microphone. Instead of amplifying his voice, it turned his speech into a sing-song melody complete with background music.

“And the winner is—doo doo doo—Billy Johnson’s potato clock!” the principal sang, looking bewildered.

The audience erupted into laughter, while Amelia buried her face in her hands.

“Spark,” she muttered, “you’re unbelievable.”

“Thank you,” Spark whispered, grinning.

The Ride Home

As they drove home, Mom was suspiciously quiet, while Dad looked like he was mentally writing an entire chapter for his book.

“Amelia,” Mom said finally, “do you want to explain what happened today?”

“Not really,” Amelia muttered.

“Spark,” Mom said, glancing in the rearview mirror, “you’re on thin ice.”

Spark, now curled up on Amelia’s lap, yawned. “I was merely supporting the scientific process.”

“By turning a volcano into a glitter cannon?” Mom said flatly.

“It was educational,” Spark replied innocently.

Dad laughed. “Definitely going in the book.”

Amelia groaned. “Can we just forget today ever happened?”

“Never,” Spark said, smirking.

The End (or the beginning of Spark’s science career…)

Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.

Benjamin Stratton

⚡️Marketing Storyteller 📸/💻

🙏 Dad of 3 | Jesus Lover ✝️

📚 Aspiring Kids Book Author ✍️

🎙 Strategic Communicator 🪶

✈️ Traveling the 🌎

A Savior is Born


Peaceful Hearts