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Local school stimulates servicemember’s spirit
Day on the Job: EOD techs
Kal Penn, Kate Walsh visit Grand Slam Wing
by Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton379th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs5/29/2013 - SOUTHWEST ASIA -- American Actors Kal Penn and Kate Walsh visited the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing here May 26 during a USO Handshake Tour with stops including the Intra-theater Care Program, a B-1B Lancer facility, military working dogs demonstration and a Patriot missile facility, as well as, a meet-and-greet at the base club."I'm hugely grateful for everything you guys are doing here," said Kate Walsh, whose father served in the Korean War. "We couldn't do what we do without you."They were able to visit many aspects of the wing's mission, but one thing stood out above all others for Penn and Walsh."The diversity here is amazing," Penn said. "It's great to see how efficient your operations are."Penn recently returned from a two-year sabbatical during which he served as an associate director for the White House Office of Public Engagement. Among his many tasks, he also worked on programs assisting employment and health benefits for returning veterans.Walsh related military operations to life on set, saying it takes so many different people from so many different backgrounds and specialties to bring a production together."Except what you do is real," she said. "I didn't expect to see all this energy and discipline. It's beautiful what 8,000 people with differing personalities can do when they come together and make this production a reality."But at the end of the day, Penn and Walsh said the greatest thing about their visit was getting to know the people serving here."It's been great sitting around and talking with people," said Walsh. "It's great to hear their stories and understand where they came from."Similarly, Penn found he has connections to many people deployed here, especially those from his home state of New Jersey."On a tour like this, you meet so many people," he said. "But it's not until you really take the time to get to know them. This personal interaction makes a huge difference for our servicemembers who are deployed here away from their family and friends. Thank you for what you do for us; we all really appreciate your sacrifice."
Grand Slam Wing observes Memorial Day
Listen to your buds: Preventing hearing loss
by Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton379th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs5/28/2013 - SOUTHWEST ASIA -- After a long day of work, the last thing you might want to hear is your neighbor's favorite screaming rock band, but when fellow Airmen use their earbuds on the highest volume setting, no one gets to enjoy the silence.Music technology came a long way since Edison's first phonograph -- from loud, crackly records all the way to inner-ear buds. While these conveniences are a part of everyday life, they can also be detrimental to your health and possibly career ending."In the military, many people are exposed to dangerously loud noises on a regular basis due to our jobs, especially personnel that work on the flight line," said Senior Airman Jamie Miller, a 379th Expeditionary Medical Group public health journeyman. "Exposing ourselves to excessively loud noise or loud noise for long periods of time will cause noise-induced hearing loss. Any type of loud noise can cause this hearing loss; even listening to music that's too loud can cause permanent damage."Servicemembers understand how essential it is to wear their personal protective equipment while performing the mission in situations requiring extra hearing protection, but what most don't realize, Miller said, is hearing loss can occur at any time."Listening to loud music on an iPod is just like being exposed to any other loud noise," he said. "One thing that many do is turn the volume of their music up when they're in a place that is loud itself, like the gym. The best thing for that is simply to police ourselves; it will be well worth it."According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, hearing loss can come from a variety of factors, but the number one source for hearing loss in America is exposure to very loud noise. In a campaign ASHA initiated for May as part of "Better Hearing and Speech Month," "Listen to your buds" focuses on educating people, helping them communicate and promoting treatment aimed at improving quality of life.ASHA officials say listening to loud noise for long periods of time can damage the hair cells in the inner ear. Noise-induced hearing loss usually develops gradually and painlessly. A single exposure to an extremely loud sound such as an explosion can cause a sudden loss of hearing. This is called acoustic trauma.In the Air Force, NIHL is an important matter and it's the number one cause for disability. To help combat the damage done by dangerous amounts of noise, personnel at risk take annual audiograms as well as get fitted for earplugs to make sure the correct size is worn and worn correctly."Correctly wearing earplugs and earmuffs will greatly reduce the amount of noise to a reasonable level," said Miller.Preventing high environmental noise from getting in is preferable, but many servicemembers purposely play their music at dangerous volume levels, and are at significantly increased risk for injury."Hearing loss is permanent, so there is no recovery that can happen once the damage is done," Miller continued. "Without hearing, there would be communication barriers between you and your coworkers, giving orders and being aware of your environment. At home it's much more difficult to have a conversation with your loved ones or call your family far away."People with hearing loss may have:- Difficulty speaking and understanding verbal communication- Problems in academic achievement; feelings of isolation, exclusion, embarrassment, annoyance, confusion and helplessness- A reluctance to participate in activities with others- Significant problems following directions- Numerous physiological changes, sleep difficulties, digestive problems, delayed emotional development, stress related disorders, behavioral problems, body fatigue and possible immunological effectsThere is hope, however, and all these symptoms can be avoided."The positive is that NIHL is 100 percent preventable," Miller said. "As long as everyone does their part, NIHL won't be a reason for anyone to have to leave their workplace."Visit for more information on how to prevent hearing loss.
Oldest jet in AF operated, maintained by youngest crews
Day on the Job: Rivet Joint maintainers
Maintenance chaplain makes big impact
Memorial Day: Remember our veterans
by Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton379th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs5/21/2013 - SOUTHWEST ASIA -- The Civil War ended nearly 150 years ago on May 9, 1865, marking the beginning to a new era. However, many lives were lost during the more than four-year war; and, as a result, the Grand Army of the Republic established what was then called “Decoration Day” three years later on May 5, 1868.It wasn’t until after World War I the day was expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars. More than a century later in 1971, Congress declared the last Monday in May to be Memorial Day.The federal holiday affords Americans an opportunity to reflect on the lives lost protecting the nation’s interests at home and abroad. For servicemembers deployed to the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia, it’s a way to be thankful for the freedoms Americans enjoy every day.“For me, it’s honoring those who have served before me, both past and present,” said Tech. Sgt. Ginger Bell, a 379th Force Support Squadron food service contracting office representative, whose father and sister have both served in the military.Family tradition is what brought many to join the ranks. For Petty Officer 3rd Class Andrew Black, he’s continuing that legacy.“My father served in Vietnam,” Black said, who is an aviation electrician with the VAQ-138 Electronic Attack Squadron here. “When your country calls you to do something — to be a part of something bigger than yourself — you proudly stand up and serve. I joined to be that person others learn to rely on, uphold life at all cost and keep others free.”These freedoms do not come without cost — a truth all servicemembers know when they raise their right hand and take the oath.“I think of the guys who, through thick and thin, survived the foxholes, the diseases and bullets flying everywhere to save their friends and family from those who stop at nothing to do us harm,” said Senior Airman David Carter, a 379th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron aircrew ground equipment journeyman, who also comes from a long line of military service. “We are where we’re at as a country because of the sacrifices our military has made.”The origins of special services to honor those who die in war can be found more than 2,400 years ago. The Athenian leader, Pericles, offered a tribute to the fallen heroes of the Peloponnesian War that could be applied today to the 1.1 million Americans who died in the nation’s wars: “Not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions, but there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men.”Over the years, Memorial Day evolved into a day Americans remember all those who died.“The day means remembering all those who have passed,” said Senior Airman Caprice Tyler, a 379th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron patrolman. “It’s showing respect for my loved ones regardless of if they’ve served in the military or not.”In December 2000, Congress passed and the president signed into law “The National Moment of Remembrance Act,” which encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. relative local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who died in service to the nation.“Please keep all our veterans in mind,” said Senior Airman Dustin Elliott, a 379th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle operator. “Remember our prisoners of war and those missing in action. This day embodies everything we enlisted for, so take a moment to remember those who have come before you.”
Servicemembers embrace cultural values during AAPI month
by Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton379th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs5/16/2013 - SOUTHWEST ASIA -- Servicemembers from across the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with various events spread throughout the month of May."This is very important as it affords us a moment to step back and appreciate the sacrifices everyone has made, regardless of skin color or background," said Master Sgt. Clarissa Piedra, the 379th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron traffic management office customer support section chief and AAPI Heritage Month lead project manager.AAPIs are servicemembers from more than 30 countries and ethnic groups who speak more than 100 different languages. Military members across the globe focus on building leadership by embracing cultural values this month."You never know what a person's background is until you ask them and really start to get to know them," Piedra said. "That's really something we're focusing on this month."The nearly 16-year veteran comes from a "multi-racial and multi-cultural family" and said this is an important part of the woman she is today."I don't know where I'd be without my family," she said. "We'd have huge family get-togethers at our house and everyone would bring something relative to their heritage."Much like the rest of America, Piedra's family comes from many walks of life."My family is a big melting pot of members from every culture out there, and I wouldn't trade them for the world -- love every single one of them," she said.Each May, the United States comes together to recount the ways AAPIs helped forge the country, beginning with a proclamation signed by the president."Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders comprise many ethnicities and languages, and their myriad achievements embody the American experience," said President Barack Obama. "This year, we recognize the 25th anniversary of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 and the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act's repeal -- milestones that helped mend deep wounds of systemic discrimination."The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese people to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869."It's truly humbling to have worked with the people who came together to make the events we've had this month a reality," Piedra said. "We faced the deployed environment challenges head on, really came together as a group, regardless of ethnic background or descent, and made this one heritage month people won't soon forget."For more information on how to get involved, volunteer or enjoy the myriad of different events and opportunities made available here, call Staff Sgt. Cory Williams at 437-2863.