Welcome to my blog, where I share family devotions, short novellas, discuss book quotes, or share excerpts from my latest journalistic reporting. I find that faith and literature inspires and guides me on my journey of growth and self-discovery. Join me as we explore the power of books together.
The Star that Shines
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024
Bible Verse:
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with overwhelming joy.”
– Matthew 2:10 (EHV)
Imagine you’re on a super long trip, and suddenly, your GPS says, “You’ve arrived!” That’s how the wise men must’ve felt when they saw the star stop above the place where Jesus was. They’d been traveling for months, maybe even years, to find the new King, and now their journey was complete.
That star wasn’t just a cool light in the sky—it was a sign that God was leading them to Jesus. Just like He guided the wise men with a star, God guides us too! Through the Bible, prayer, and His love, He helps us find our way to Jesus.
Why did the wise men follow the star?
What do you think the wise men felt when they finally found Jesus?
How does God guide us today?
Dear God, thank You for leading us to Jesus, just like You led the wise men with the star. Help us to follow You and share Your light with others. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Cut out a paper star and decorate it with glitter or shiny materials. Write “Jesus is my light” on it and hang it up as a reminder of how God guides us.
Full Bible Reference:
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with overwhelming joy. After they went into the house and saw the child with Mary, his mother, they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Since they had been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by another route.”
– Matthew 2:10-12 (EHV)
Good News for Everyone
Monday, Dec. 9, 2024
Bible Verse:
“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. For behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be for all people.’”
– Luke 2:10 (EHV)
Can you imagine being a shepherd on a quiet night, just watching over your sheep, when suddenly—boom! An angel appears, glowing and awesome, with a message straight from God? It might’ve been a little scary at first, but the angel’s words were clear: “Don’t be afraid! I’ve got amazing news!”
That news wasn’t just for the shepherds—it was for everyone, including us! Jesus was born, bringing joy, peace, and hope to the whole world. So whenever you hear the Christmas story, remember that it’s your story, too. God’s good news is for you!
What good news did the angel bring to the shepherds?
Why is Jesus’ birth such joyful news?
How can we share this good news with others?
Dear Jesus, thank You for being the best news ever! Help us to share Your joy with others and remember that You came to save everyone. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Make your own “angel message.” Write a note about the good news of Jesus and leave it for someone to find, like a family member or friend.
Full Bible Reference:
“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. For behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be for all people. Today in the town of David, a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.’ Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude from the heavenly army, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward mankind.’”
– Luke 2:10-14 (EHV)
Amelia and Grocery Shopping
Chapter Ten: Spark Goes Grocery Shopping
After the chaotic church day, Mom decided Monday morning was the perfect time to catch up on errands, starting with grocery shopping. The kids had school, Dad was home writing his “masterpiece,” and she wanted a break from glitter explosions and pillow fort disasters.
But Spark had other ideas.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark said as the family gathered for breakfast, “I’ve decided we should expand our culinary horizons. A unicorn’s palate demands the finest in mortal cuisine.”
“What are you even talking about?” Amelia asked, spooning cereal into her bowl.
Spark tossed her shimmering mane. “Grocery shopping. I want to come along.”
“No way,” Amelia said immediately. “Mom will never let you.”
“Never let who what?” Mom asked, walking into the kitchen with her coffee.
Amelia froze. “Uh, Spark wants to go grocery shopping.”
Mom gave Spark a hard look. “Only if you promise—PROMISE—not to cause any trouble.”
Spark shrank herself down to hamster size and perched on the edge of the cereal box. “I am the picture of restraint.”
“That’s what you said at church,” Mom said flatly.
“Exactly!” Spark replied, beaming.
“That wasn’t a compliment,” Mom muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Fine. You can come. But if you so much as look at the glitter aisle, you’re banned for life.”
Spark saluted. “Understood!”
The Grocery Store Adventure Begins
The grocery store was packed, which didn’t help Mom’s patience. She handed Amelia the shopping list and grabbed a cart.
“Okay,” Mom said. “We’re in and out. No distractions.”
Amelia nodded. “Got it.”
“Roger,” Spark added, already climbing into the cart like it was a throne.
Amelia groaned. “Spark, get out of there!”
“Absolutely not,” Spark replied, stretching out like a queen. “I’m supervising.”
Mom shot Spark a warning glare but didn’t argue.
The Produce Aisle Drama
Things were going well until they reached the produce aisle. Spark decided the apples were too boring and zapped one with her horn, turning it bright purple with shimmering polka dots.
“Spark!” Amelia whispered harshly. “What are you doing?”
“Improving the aesthetic,” Spark said proudly.
Mom noticed immediately. “Why is this apple glowing?”
Amelia grabbed the fruit and shoved it into a bag. “Uh, it’s organic?”
Mom narrowed her eyes. “Spark, no magic.”
“Fine,” Spark muttered, pouting.
The Snack Aisle Showdown
The real trouble began in the snack aisle. Spark climbed onto the shelf, surveying the options like a connoisseur.
“These chips lack pizzazz,” she declared, zapping one bag with her horn. It immediately sprouted glitter-covered wings and began flapping around the aisle.
Mom turned just in time to see Amelia trying to wrestle the bag out of the air.
“What is going on?” Mom asked, her voice dangerously calm.
“Uh, nothing!” Amelia said, yanking the now-still bag off the shelf. “We’re good!”
Mom sighed. “Spark, I swear—”
“It was an accident!” Spark said innocently.
“Sure it was,” Mom muttered, pushing the cart faster.
The Checkout Line Catastrophe
By the time they reached the checkout line, Amelia was convinced they were almost home free. But Spark, being Spark, couldn’t resist one final stunt.
As the cashier scanned the items, Spark whispered to Amelia, “Watch this.”
Before Amelia could stop her, Spark zapped the receipt printer. It began spitting out foot-long receipts covered in rainbow sparkles.
The cashier blinked, holding up the glittering slip of paper. “Uh… is this normal?”
Mom turned slowly, her eyes locking on Spark. “What. Did. You. Do?”
“Enhancement!” Spark said cheerfully.
Mom took a deep breath, visibly restraining herself. “Amelia, take Spark to the car. Now.”
Amelia grabbed Spark by the mane, muttering, “You’re impossible.”
“I’m delightful,” Spark corrected as they exited the store.
The Ride Home
The drive home was quiet—too quiet. Spark, now perched on the dashboard, stared out the window like a guilty cat.
“I think that went well,” Spark said eventually.
Amelia snorted. “How do you figure?”
“No major explosions, no portals, and we didn’t get banned. Success!”
Mom sighed from the driver’s seat. “Barely.”
Back at Home
Once they unloaded the groceries, Mom flopped onto the couch with her coffee, clearly exhausted.
Dad peeked out from his writing corner. “How’d it go?”
Mom glared at him. “Let’s just say Spark’s not coming grocery shopping again.”
Dad grinned, jotting something in his notebook. “Great material for the book.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” Mom muttered, sipping her coffee.
Amelia, sitting at the kitchen table, shook her head at Spark. “You seriously can’t go five minutes without causing chaos, can you?”
“Chaos,” Spark said smugly, “is part of my charm.”
Amelia couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re unbelievable.”
“And you,” Spark said with a wink, “are my favorite mortal shopping partner.”
The End (until Spark’s next errand…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.
A Shepherd’s Care
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024
Bible Verse:
“He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. He gently leads those who have young.”
– Isaiah 40:11 (EHV)
Have you ever seen a shepherd taking care of sheep? They make sure the sheep are fed, safe, and know where to go. That’s exactly how God cares for us! Isaiah describes God as a gentle shepherd who picks up His little lambs (that’s us!) and holds them close to His heart.
Sometimes life can feel scary, like we’ve wandered off and don’t know which way to turn. But God, our Good Shepherd, is always watching over us. When we feel lost or afraid, He scoops us up in His loving arms and gently leads us. Isn’t it amazing to know we’re so precious to Him?
What does a shepherd do for their sheep?
How does God care for us like a shepherd?
When has God helped you feel safe and loved?
Dear God, thank You for being our Good Shepherd, caring for us and keeping us safe. Help us to trust You when life feels scary or uncertain. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Draw or color a picture of a shepherd with sheep. Write “God is my Shepherd” at the top and display it as a reminder of His love and care.
Full Bible Reference:
“He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. He gently leads those who have young. Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand? Who marked off the heavens with the width of his hand? Who scooped up the dust of the earth with a measuring cup? Who weighed the mountains on a scale and the hills on a balance?”
– Isaiah 40:11-12 (EHV)
Waiting with Hope
Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024
Bible Verse:
“Wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord!”
– Psalm 27:14 (EHV)
Waiting is hard, isn’t it? Whether it’s waiting for cookies to bake, waiting for your turn on the swings, or waiting for Christmas morning, it can feel like forever! David, who wrote this psalm, knew all about waiting. He had to wait years before he became king, even though God promised him the throne. Through it all, David learned to trust God’s timing.
Advent is all about waiting, too—waiting to celebrate Jesus’ birth and waiting for the day He comes back again. But here’s the good news: we’re not waiting alone. God is with us, giving us strength and courage while we wait. So the next time waiting feels impossible, remember that God’s timing is perfect. And who knows? Maybe while you wait, He’s preparing something even better than you imagined.
Why did David say to “wait for the Lord”?
How can we be strong and take heart while we wait?
What are you waiting for this Advent, and how can you trust God’s timing?
Dear God, help us to be patient as we wait for You. Thank You for being with us and giving us strength and courage. Teach us to trust Your perfect timing. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Set a timer for 5 minutes and see if you can sit quietly and think about God’s promises. After the timer ends, share one thing you thought about with your family.
Full Bible Reference:
“Wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord. The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.”
– Psalm 27:1-3, 14 (EHV)
Amelia and the Churchy Unicorn
Chapter Nine: Spark Goes to Church (and Other Sunday Chaos)
Amelia Jean Stratton was up early for once, thanks to Mom’s proclamation: “If it’s Sunday, we’re going to church. No exceptions, and that includes magical unicorns.”
“Wait, what?” Amelia had groaned from under her blanket when she first heard this announcement.
Mom had stood firm. “Spark isn’t staying home unsupervised. I don’t need another glitter bomb incident.”
Amelia peeked out from her blanket. “So… we’re bringing her?”
“Yep,” Mom said, sipping her coffee. “And she’d better behave.”
From the other side of the room, Spark, perched in her usual spot on the kitchen counter, grinned mischievously. “I’m always on my best behavior.”
“No, you’re not,” Elias muttered, walking into the kitchen.
“Not even close,” Amelia agreed.
The Church Incident(s)
By the time the family arrived at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Spark had promised—multiple times—that she wouldn’t draw attention to herself. To her credit, she had even shrunk to hamster size and perched in Iris’s little purse for the trip.
The sanctuary was already buzzing with conversation as the Strattons walked in. Spark peeked out of Iris’s purse, her horn glowing faintly.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark whispered, “this place is marvelous. Look at all the stained glass! It’s like a glitter party but… solemn.”
“Spark, please don’t start anything,” Amelia whispered back, sliding into the pew.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Spark replied, though her tail swished with suspicious excitement.
The First Incident: The Offering Plate
Everything was going fine until the offering. As the plate made its way down the pew, Spark decided to “enhance” the experience.
“What are you doing?” Amelia hissed as Spark’s horn began to glow.
“Adding sparkle to their generosity,” Spark whispered back.
When the plate reached their row, it suddenly began to glow faintly and emitted a soft ding! every time someone placed money into it.
Mom’s eyes widened. “Spark!”
“It’s motivational,” Spark whispered proudly.
Dad muttered under his breath, “Adding this to the book.”
The Second Incident: The Hymn
The next catastrophe came during the hymn. As the congregation sang, Spark decided the organ could use some backup.
“Amelia,” Spark whispered, her horn glowing again, “listen to this!”
Before Amelia could stop her, Spark conjured a harp that floated above their pew, plucking itself in perfect harmony with the hymn.
Amelia grabbed Spark by the mane. “Stop it!”
“But it’s beautiful!” Spark protested.
The harp disappeared with a faint pop, but not before half the congregation had turned to stare.
Mom buried her face in her hands. “Why did I think this was a good idea?”
The Final Straw
The sermon was the last chance for peace. Spark remained quiet for the first five minutes, which lulled everyone into a false sense of security.
Then she spotted the baptismal font.
“What’s that?” Spark whispered, her tiny head poking out of Iris’s purse.
“It’s the baptismal font,” Amelia whispered back. “Where babies are baptized.”
Spark’s eyes lit up. “It looks like a fountain! Can I—”
“No,” Amelia hissed.
Spark sighed but thankfully stayed put for the rest of the service.
The Aftermath
As the family piled into the car after church, Mom turned to Spark with a look of exasperation.
“Next time, you’re staying home,” she said.
“I was on my best behavior!” Spark protested.
“You made the offering plate glow,” Mom said flatly.
Dad, jotting something in his notebook, grinned. “Great material for the book, though.”
Mom sighed. “Of course it is.”
Back to the Original Chaos
The rest of the day went about as planned—or as “planned” as any day with Spark ever went. There was the pillow fort disaster, the squirrel chase during the picnic, and, of course, Spark’s endless stream of commentary.
By dinnertime, the family was exhausted.
“Today wasn’t terrible,” Amelia admitted, plopping down on the couch after helping clean up the remains of the picnic.
“That’s high praise,” Elias muttered, brushing glitter out of his hair.
Spark hopped onto the coffee table, looking smug. “See? Life is better with me around.”
Amelia rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile. “Sure, Spark. Whatever you say.”
As the house finally settled into quiet, Mom sat on the couch with her tea, and Dad added another note to his book-in-progress.
“You know,” Mom said, glancing at him, “you should call the chapter about today The Glitter Gospel.”
Dad laughed. “Noted.”
The End (or the start of Spark’s next church adventure…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.
A King for Everyone
Friday, Dec. 6, 2024
Bible Verse:
“For unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given. The authority to rule will rest on his shoulders. He will be named: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
– Isaiah 9:6 (EHV)
If you were picking a king, what would he be like? Super strong? Really smart? Maybe someone who could ride a dragon or wear a sparkly crown. But when God sent a King to save the world, He chose something totally unexpected—a tiny baby! Jesus didn’t come with a crown or a throne. He came as a baby born in a barn, but He was still the most powerful King ever.
Isaiah tells us that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace,” the one who rules with love, wisdom, and power. Jesus didn’t come to boss us around—He came to save us. And the best part? He’s a King for everyone, not just the rich or powerful. So this Advent, let’s remember to celebrate our King, who started as a baby and grew up to bring us hope, love, and peace.
What names did Isaiah use to describe Jesus?
Why did God send Jesus as a baby instead of a grown-up king?
How can we celebrate Jesus as our King this Advent?
Dear Jesus, thank You for being the Prince of Peace and the King who loves and saves us. Help us to share Your love and celebrate You this Advent season. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Make a paper crown and decorate it with markers or stickers. Write “Prince of Peace” on it and wear it as a reminder of Jesus’ love and power.
Full Bible Reference:
“For to us a child is born. To us a son is given. The authority to rule will rest on his shoulders. He will be named: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no limit to his authority and no end to his peace. He will rule on David’s throne and over his kingdom to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from now on and forever. The zeal of the Lord of Armies will accomplish this.”
– Isaiah 9:6-7 (EHV)
A Strong Foundation
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024
Bible Verse:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on bedrock.”
– Matthew 7:24 (EHV)
Imagine you’re building the most amazing sandcastle ever. It’s got towers, a moat, and even a seashell flag. But what happens when a big wave comes? That’s right—it all washes away. Jesus used this idea to teach us about having a strong foundation. He said that listening to His words and following them is like building on solid rock. Storms may come, but your “house” (or your life) will stand strong.
Sometimes life can feel like a big wave is crashing over us—hard days at school, fights with friends, or even being scared about the future. But when we trust Jesus and follow what He teaches, we can stand firm, knowing He’s holding us steady. So, next time you’re at the beach (or playing in the sandbox), think about what kind of foundation you’re building your life on. Hint: Jesus is the best “bedrock” there is!
What happens to a house built on sand when a storm comes?
What did Jesus mean by building your life on “bedrock”?
How can we build our lives on Jesus this Advent season?
Dear Jesus, thank You for being our strong foundation. Help us to hear Your words, trust in You, and live in a way that honors You. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Build a small tower out of blocks or Legos. Then test how strong it is by shaking the table or blowing on it. Talk about how Jesus helps keep our lives strong, even when “storms” come.
Full Bible Reference:
“Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on bedrock. The rain came down, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, but it did not fall, because it was founded on bedrock. Everyone who hears these words of mine but does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—it was completely destroyed.”
– Matthew 7:24-27 (EHV)
Amelia and Dad’s Day Off
Chapter Eight: Dad’s Big Day Off (and His Even Bigger Ideas)
Amelia Jean Stratton was excited for today—not because anything particularly special was happening, but because Dad was in charge. And when Dad was in charge, things always got a little… interesting.
“Okay, kids,” Dad said, standing in the kitchen and holding a clipboard. “Mom’s at work, so it’s just us. I’ve got some great ideas for how we can spend the day.”
Elias raised an eyebrow. “Does this involve spaghetti catapults?”
“No,” Dad said, shaking his head. “This is going to be a structured day. Lots of learning and quality time together.”
Amelia groaned. “Learning? On a day off?”
“You’ll love it,” Dad said cheerfully, ignoring her protests.
“I’m scared,” Elias muttered.
Spark, perched on the counter in her default housecat size, waved a tiny flag made of glitter and enthusiasm. “I’m ready for adventure!”
Dad’s Morning Plan: Chaos and Creativity
After breakfast (a mix of cereal, toast, and Iris insisting on eating syrup straight from the bottle), Dad gathered the kids around the dining table.
“All right,” Dad said, pulling out a stack of papers. “Since I just retired, I’ve been thinking about my next big thing. And I’ve decided to become a kids’ book author.”
Amelia perked up. “That’s actually kind of cool.”
“What’s the book about?” Elias asked, leaning back in his chair.
Dad grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “It’s about a girl named Amelia Jean, her siblings, and their adventures with a magical unicorn named Spark.”
Amelia froze. “Wait… you’re writing about us?”
Spark gasped, clapping her hooves together. “I’m going to be famous!”
Elias groaned. “So now the world gets to read about our glitter-filled misery?”
“Not misery,” Dad said, flipping through his notes. “More like… whimsical chaos.”
“That’s just Spark’s default mode,” Amelia muttered.
The Writing Session
Dad set up his laptop on the kitchen counter and started typing furiously while the kids gathered around.
“Amelia,” Dad said without looking up, “what’s something Spark’s done recently that was particularly… ridiculous?”
Amelia thought for a moment. “The glitter cannons at the backyard parade were pretty bad.”
“Gold,” Dad muttered, typing faster.
“Don’t forget the trampoline portal!” Elias added.
“Perfect,” Dad said, nodding.
“And the glitter revolution of Googlyopia,” Spark said proudly.
Dad paused, looking up from the screen. “The what?”
“Oh, it’s a long story,” Spark said, waving a hoof.
“I’m using it,” Dad said, grinning.
Afternoon Shenanigans
By lunchtime, Dad decided the kids needed a break.
“Let’s go outside,” he said, grabbing a soccer ball. “We’ll get some fresh air.”
“What’s the catch?” Amelia asked, narrowing her eyes.
“No catch,” Dad said innocently.
Amelia exchanged a look with Elias. “There’s always a catch.”
They were right. Within minutes, Dad had them building an elaborate obstacle course in the backyard, complete with pool noodles, cardboard boxes, and a surprising number of bungee cords.
“This is for research,” Dad explained, jotting notes in a notebook while the kids attempted to crawl under a set of makeshift hurdles.
“What kind of book are you writing?” Elias asked, his voice muffled as he struggled to climb over a particularly wobbly stack of boxes.
“A great one,” Dad said confidently.
Spark trotted alongside them, occasionally offering “helpful” advice. “Don’t forget to add a glitter explosion for dramatic effect!”
“No glitter!” Dad shouted.
“Boring,” Spark muttered.
Dad’s Big Realization
After the obstacle course and a quick snack break, Dad sat down at the table with the kids and Spark.
“You know,” Dad said, leaning back in his chair, “this whole staying-home-and-writing thing might be harder than I thought.”
“Why?” Amelia asked, curious.
“Because you’re all… very loud,” Dad said, glancing pointedly at Iris, who was attempting to teach Spark how to balance a spoon on her nose.
“I’m not loud,” Elias said defensively.
Amelia smirked. “You yelled about losing your sock for fifteen minutes this morning.”
“It was an important sock!” Elias shot back.
“Exactly,” Dad said. “But maybe all this chaos is good for inspiration.”
Spark beamed. “You’re welcome.”
“Don’t encourage her,” Amelia muttered.
Dinner and a Fourth Wall Break
By dinnertime, Dad had written several pages, most of which involved Spark causing absolute mayhem.
“What are you going to call the book?” Amelia asked as they sat down to eat.
“I’m thinking something like Amelia and Her Unicorn Adventures,” Dad said thoughtfully.
“That’s so unoriginal,” Elias said, rolling his eyes.
“Got a better idea?” Dad challenged.
“How about Spark’s Glitter Disaster Diary?” Elias suggested.
“I like that!” Spark said, wagging her tail.
“I don’t,” Amelia muttered, stabbing her mashed potatoes.
Dad grinned. “Well, whatever I call it, I think it’s going to be a hit. Thanks for being my test subjects today.”
“Do we get royalties?” Spark asked.
Dad laughed. “Only if the book comes with a glitter-free guarantee.”
Spark gasped. “That’s author cruelty!”
As the family laughed and argued about book titles, Amelia couldn’t help but smile. Sure, having Dad home full-time might take some getting used to, but if today was anything to go by, it was going to be an adventure.
The End (and the beginning of Dad’s author journey…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.
God’s Light in the Darkness
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024
Bible Verse:
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. For those living in the land of the shadow of death, the light has dawned.”
– Isaiah 9:2 (EHV)
Have you ever tried walking in a dark room without turning on the lights? It’s not easy! You bump into chairs, step on toys, and might even bonk your nose on the wall. Life without God is like walking in the dark, but Isaiah reminds us that God doesn’t leave us to stumble around. He sent Jesus, the “great light,” to shine in the darkness and guide us safely home.
Jesus came to bring hope to people who felt like they were stuck in the shadows. When things feel dark and scary, Jesus’ love is like the flashlight that shows us the way forward. So next time you find yourself in the dark (literally or figuratively), remember that Jesus is always your guiding light.
What does it mean that Jesus is the “great light”?
Why do people need light in the darkness?
How can we share Jesus’ light with others?
Dear Jesus, thank You for being our light in the darkness. Help us to trust You when things feel scary and to share Your light with those around us. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Turn off the lights in a room and play a flashlight tag game with your family. Talk about how Jesus’ light helps guide us, just like the flashlight helped in the dark.
Full Bible Reference:
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. For those living in the land of the shadow of death, the light has dawned. You have multiplied the nation. You have increased its joy. They rejoice before you like the joy at harvest time, like the celebration when people divide the plunder. For you have broken the yoke that burdened them, the bar on their shoulders, and the rod of their oppressor.”
– Isaiah 9:2-4 (EHV)