Welcome to my blog, where I share family devotions, short novellas, discuss book quotes, or share excerpts from my latest journalistic reporting. I find that faith and literature inspires and guides me on my journey of growth and self-discovery. Join me as we explore the power of books together.
Amelia and the Science Fair
Chapter Fourteen: Spark at the Science Fair
It was a big day at school: the annual Science Fair. Amelia Jean Stratton had been working on her project for weeks—a model volcano complete with a baking soda and vinegar eruption. It wasn’t the flashiest project, but it was reliable, and more importantly, it wouldn’t get her into trouble.
Spark, naturally, had other ideas.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark said that morning, trotting into the kitchen with her mane shimmering more than usual, “I have decided to enhance your project.”
“Nope,” Amelia said immediately, grabbing her backpack.
“You haven’t even heard my plan!” Spark protested, following her.
“I don’t need to,” Amelia replied. “The answer is no. My volcano is fine the way it is.”
“Fine is the enemy of fabulous,” Spark declared, hopping onto the counter.
“Spark,” Mom said, walking in with her coffee, “if you interfere with the Science Fair, you’re banned from school events. Permanently.”
Spark gasped, clutching her chest. “You wound me, Andrea—uh, mortal mother figure! I am the picture of restraint!”
“You’re the picture of chaos,” Amelia muttered, zipping up her bag.
The Science Fair Setup
The school gymnasium was buzzing with activity. Tables lined the room, each one showcasing a different project: potato clocks, bottle rockets, and even a small robot that waved when people walked by.
Amelia carefully set up her volcano, glancing around nervously. “Stay hidden,” she whispered to Spark, who had shrunk to hamster size and was hiding in her bag.
“Relax, Amelia Jean,” Spark said. “I’m just here for moral support.”
“Your version of moral support usually involves glitter,” Amelia hissed.
Before Spark could reply, Lucy appeared at the next table, setting up her project: a solar-powered fan.
“Hey, Amelia!” Lucy said brightly. “Ready to wow everyone?”
“More like ready to survive,” Amelia replied, glancing at her volcano.
The First Incident
Everything was going smoothly until Spark decided to “help” Lucy’s fan.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark whispered from her hiding spot, “your friend’s project needs a little boost.”
“No,” Amelia said firmly. “Leave it alone.”
But Spark ignored her. With a faint glow of her horn, she zapped the fan. It immediately began spinning at super speed, sending papers flying off nearby tables.
“Whoa!” Lucy shouted, trying to grab the fan as it buzzed like a mini helicopter.
“Sorry!” Amelia said, quickly grabbing Spark and shoving her deeper into the bag. “It must be… extra solar-powered!”
Lucy blinked. “We’re indoors.”
“Uh… science?” Amelia said weakly.
The Eruption Disaster
Things got worse during the volcano presentations. Amelia’s turn was coming up, and Spark was buzzing with excitement.
“This is it,” Spark whispered. “Your big moment! Let me enhance the eruption.”
“No,” Amelia said through gritted teeth. “Do not touch my volcano.”
But when Amelia poured the vinegar into the volcano, Spark couldn’t resist.
Her horn glowed faintly, and suddenly the volcano erupted—not with foam, but with a geyser of glittery lava that shot five feet into the air.
The room went silent as everyone turned to stare.
“Whoa,” one kid whispered.
“Amelia!” the teacher shouted. “What did you put in that volcano?”
“Uh… baking soda?” Amelia said weakly, glaring at her bag.
Inside, Spark was giggling uncontrollably.
The Grand Finale
As if the glitter volcano wasn’t enough, Spark decided to make the Science Fair’s closing ceremony “memorable.”
When the principal stepped up to announce the winners, Spark zapped the microphone. Instead of amplifying his voice, it turned his speech into a sing-song melody complete with background music.
“And the winner is—doo doo doo—Billy Johnson’s potato clock!” the principal sang, looking bewildered.
The audience erupted into laughter, while Amelia buried her face in her hands.
“Spark,” she muttered, “you’re unbelievable.”
“Thank you,” Spark whispered, grinning.
The Ride Home
As they drove home, Mom was suspiciously quiet, while Dad looked like he was mentally writing an entire chapter for his book.
“Amelia,” Mom said finally, “do you want to explain what happened today?”
“Not really,” Amelia muttered.
“Spark,” Mom said, glancing in the rearview mirror, “you’re on thin ice.”
Spark, now curled up on Amelia’s lap, yawned. “I was merely supporting the scientific process.”
“By turning a volcano into a glitter cannon?” Mom said flatly.
“It was educational,” Spark replied innocently.
Dad laughed. “Definitely going in the book.”
Amelia groaned. “Can we just forget today ever happened?”
“Never,” Spark said, smirking.
The End (or the beginning of Spark’s science career…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.
Peaceful Hearts
Monday, Dec. 16, 2024
Bible Verse:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 4:6-7 (EHV)
Do you ever feel worried, like your brain is full of buzzing bees? Maybe it’s a big test, a fight with a friend, or something scary in the news. Paul, who wrote this verse, knew that life could feel overwhelming sometimes. That’s why he gave us a great reminder: instead of letting worries take over, we can pray!
When we talk to God about what’s bothering us, He promises to give us peace—not just any peace, but a peace so big and amazing that we can’t even explain it! It’s like a warm blanket for our hearts, keeping us calm and safe. So the next time your worries buzz too loudly, take a moment to pray and let God’s peace take over.
What does Paul tell us to do instead of worrying?
How does God’s peace guard our hearts and minds?
What is something you can pray about when you feel anxious?
Dear God, thank You for being our source of peace when life feels overwhelming. Help us to bring our worries to You and trust that You will calm our hearts. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Make a “peace jar.” Write down your worries on slips of paper and place them in the jar as a way to give them to God. Shake the jar gently and watch the slips settle, just like God settles our hearts.
Full Bible Reference:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if anything is excellent and if anything is praiseworthy—think about these things.”
– Philippians 4:6-8 (EHV)
Joyful Praise
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024
Bible Verse:
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.”
– Luke 1:46-47 (EHV)
Have you ever been so happy that you couldn’t keep it in? Maybe you jumped up and down, sang a silly song, or hugged everyone in sight. That’s how Mary felt when she found out she would be the mother of Jesus! She was filled with joy and couldn’t stop praising God. Her song, sometimes called the Magnificat, is a beautiful reminder of how God works in amazing ways.
Mary wasn’t a queen or a fancy ruler. She was just an ordinary girl, but God chose her for an extraordinary job. And the best part? God does the same with us! He chooses us to be part of His plan, and when we see Him working in our lives, it’s the perfect time to burst out in joyful praise—just like Mary.
What made Mary so joyful that she praised God?
Why is it special that God chooses ordinary people for His extraordinary plans?
How can you praise God joyfully this Advent season?
Dear God, thank You for choosing us to be part of Your amazing plans. Help us to praise You joyfully, just like Mary did, and to remember how great You are. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Write your own “praise song” for God. It can be a few simple sentences or a fun rhyme. Share it with your family or sing it out loud!
Full Bible Reference:
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, because he has looked with favor on the humble state of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.”
– Luke 1:46-50 (EHV)
Amelia and the Big Game
Chapter Thirteen: Spark Learns About Sports
It was Saturday morning, and the Stratton household was abuzz with excitement. Elias had his first soccer game of the season, and for once, everyone was actually on time.
“Let’s go!” Dad called, grabbing the water bottles and keys. “Game starts in 30 minutes, and we are not being late this time!”
“Who’s ‘we’?” Mom asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Me,” Dad admitted sheepishly.
Elias marched through the living room in his soccer cleats, looking unusually focused. “I’m scoring at least two goals today. Maybe three.”
“Let’s not jinx it,” Mom said, helping Iris into her jacket.
Amelia was lacing up her sneakers when Spark trotted into the room, her mane glittering more than usual.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark announced, “I’ve decided I’m joining the team.”
Amelia froze. “The soccer team?”
“Of course!” Spark said proudly. “With my cosmic skills, we’ll win the championship in no time.”
“Spark, you’re a unicorn,” Amelia said, exasperated. “You can’t play soccer.”
“Why not?” Spark asked, shrinking to the size of a soccer ball and hopping into Elias’s bag.
Elias groaned. “Spark, don’t mess this up for me.”
“Mess it up?” Spark gasped, feigning insult. “I’m here to ensure victory!”
Amelia sighed. “This is going to be a long day.”
The Game Begins
The soccer field was alive with the sound of whistles, cheering parents, and kids chasing after the ball. Elias’s team, the Green Gators, was warming up on the field while Spark peeked out of Amelia’s backpack.
“What’s the plan?” Spark whispered.
“The plan,” Amelia said, “is for you to stay out of sight and not interfere.”
Spark grinned mischievously. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“I’m serious, Spark,” Amelia said. “If Elias doesn’t get to play a normal game, he’s going to kill you. And then me.”
“Fine,” Spark said, retreating into the bag. “But if they’re losing, I’m stepping in.”
Amelia groaned. “Why do I feel like that’s going to happen anyway?”
The First Half
Elias started strong, weaving through defenders and passing like a pro. The Green Gators were up by one goal, and he was visibly enjoying himself.
“Go, Elias!” Dad shouted from the sidelines, clapping enthusiastically.
Mom nodded approvingly. “See? No chaos. This is nice.”
Amelia glanced at her backpack, where Spark was suspiciously quiet. “Too quiet,” she muttered.
Sure enough, Spark’s tiny voice piped up from inside. “Amelia Jean, this game needs more pizzazz.”
“No,” Amelia whispered harshly. “Stay in the bag.”
“But look at Elias!” Spark said. “He’s working so hard. He deserves a little… cosmic assistance.”
“Don’t you dare,” Amelia hissed.
The Second Half Chaos
The chaos began when Elias’s team was tied 2-2. The opposing team’s star player was dribbling toward the goal when Spark made her move.
From her hiding spot, Spark zapped the ball with her horn. It stopped mid-roll, spun in a perfect circle, and rolled back toward Elias.
The crowd gasped.
“What just happened?” the coach shouted.
“Magic?” one of the players whispered.
Amelia buried her face in her hands. “Spark…”
Elias, unaware of Spark’s interference, took the opportunity to score the go-ahead goal. The crowd erupted in cheers, and he pumped his fist in the air.
“Elias!” Dad yelled. “Great job!”
“Yeah!” Elias shouted back, grinning. “Totally nailed it!”
Amelia leaned toward her bag. “Spark, if anyone figures out what you just did—”
“No one will,” Spark whispered smugly. “I’m a pro.”
The Grand Finale
In the final minutes of the game, the opposing team had a corner kick. It was a perfect shot, heading straight for the top corner of the net.
Spark couldn’t resist.
Her horn glowed faintly, and a sudden gust of wind sent the ball soaring over the goalpost.
The Green Gators won 3-2.
The players cheered, the parents clapped, and Elias was hoisted onto someone’s shoulders.
Amelia, meanwhile, was glaring at Spark. “You cheated!”
“I enhanced,” Spark corrected.
“That’s cheating!”
“Semantics,” Spark said, trotting out of the bag and onto the field.
The Aftermath
As the family gathered their things, Elias was still riding high on his victory.
“Three goals,” he said, grinning at Amelia. “Told you I’d crush it.”
“You sure did,” Amelia muttered, shooting a look at Spark.
Mom and Dad exchanged glances as they loaded the car.
“Pretty smooth game,” Dad said.
Mom nodded. “Too smooth.”
They both glanced at Spark, who was now perched on Iris’s shoulder, humming innocently.
“Spark,” Mom said. “Did you have anything to do with today’s game?”
“Me?” Spark said, feigning shock. “I would never interfere with mortal sports!”
Amelia snorted. “Yeah, right.”
Dad grinned, pulling out his notebook. “Adding this to the book.”
Mom sighed. “Of course you are.”
As they drove home, Elias was still basking in his glory, and Spark was planning her next “enhancement.” Amelia, meanwhile, was already bracing for the inevitable chaos.
The End (or the start of Spark’s soccer career…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.
God’s Perfect Timing
Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024
Bible Verse:
“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son to be born of a woman, so that he would redeem those under the law, so that we would be adopted as sons.”
– Galatians 4:4-5 (EHV)
Have you ever had to wait for just the right moment? Maybe you’ve waited for cookies to cool, for fireworks to light up the sky, or for your birthday party to start. Waiting can feel like forever, but it’s worth it when the perfect time comes!
That’s what God did when He sent Jesus. He didn’t send Him too early or too late—He sent Him at the exact right moment to save the world. God’s timing is always perfect, even if we don’t understand it. So while we wait for Christmas, and for Jesus to come again, we can trust that God’s plans are always right on time.
Why did God wait for the “set time” to send Jesus?
How does it feel to know God’s timing is always perfect?
What are you waiting for this Advent season, and how can you trust God?
Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus at just the right time to save us. Help us to trust Your timing and remember that Your plans are always perfect. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Make a clock craft out of a paper plate and talk about how God’s timing is always perfect. Write “God’s Timing” on the clock as a reminder.
Full Bible Reference:
“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son to be born of a woman, so that he would redeem those under the law, so that we would be adopted as sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts to shout, ‘Abba! Father!’ So you are no longer a slave, but a son. And if you are a son, then you are also an heir of God through Christ.”
– Galatians 4:4-7 (EHV)
Joy in Giving
Friday, Dec. 13, 2024
Bible Verse:
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
– Acts 20:35 (EHV)
Think about the best gift you’ve ever received. Maybe it was a cool toy, a delicious treat, or a big hug from someone special. Now think about a time you gave a gift. How did it feel to make someone smile? Jesus taught us that giving is even better than getting!
When we give, we’re showing love, just like Jesus did when He gave us the greatest gift—Himself. Giving doesn’t have to be big or expensive. It can be a kind word, a hug, or sharing your favorite toy. This Advent, let’s practice the joy of giving and remember how much Jesus gave for us.
Why did Jesus say giving is better than receiving?
How do you feel when you give a gift to someone?
What can you give to show love this Advent season?
Dear Jesus, thank You for giving us the greatest gift—Your love and salvation. Help us to find joy in giving to others and sharing Your love with the world. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Make a “gift of love” coupon book with ideas like “help with chores,” “share a toy,” or “give a hug.” Give it to someone in your family or a friend.
Full Bible Reference:
“In everything, I have shown you that by working hard in this way, we must help the weak, remembering the words that the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ When he had said these things, he knelt down with all of them and prayed.”
– Acts 20:35-36 (EHV)
Amelia and the Field Trip
Chapter Twelve: Spark’s School Field Trip
It was a crisp, sunny day, and Amelia Jean Stratton was feeling cautiously optimistic. Today, her class was heading to the local science museum for a field trip, which meant a whole day away from homework and math quizzes.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark said as she trotted into the kitchen that morning, her mane gleaming with anticipation, “I’ve decided I’m coming with you.”
“Nope,” Amelia replied immediately, shoving a granola bar into her backpack.
“I wasn’t asking,” Spark said, shrinking to hamster size and hopping into Amelia’s bag.
“Spark, you can’t come on a school field trip,” Amelia hissed. “It’s bad enough you’ve been causing chaos at home. I don’t need you embarrassing me in front of my entire class!”
“Embarrassing?” Spark gasped, looking genuinely offended. “Amelia Jean, I am the epitome of charm and sophistication.”
“You’re the epitome of glitter explosions,” Amelia muttered, zipping her backpack shut.
Mom walked into the kitchen, coffee in hand. “What’s this about glitter explosions?”
“Nothing!” Amelia said quickly, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. “We’re going to be late!”
Mom raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. “Behave yourself, Amelia. And don’t let Spark ruin anything important.”
“I make no promises,” Spark called from inside the bag.
The Bus Ride
Amelia’s plan to keep Spark hidden went out the window as soon as they boarded the bus.
“Amelia!” her best friend Lucy whispered excitedly. “Did you bring Spark?”
“No,” Amelia said firmly.
“Yes, she did!” Spark chirped, poking her tiny head out of the bag.
Lucy squealed. “This is going to be the best field trip ever!”
Amelia groaned, burying her face in her hands. “This is already a disaster.”
Spark climbed onto Amelia’s shoulder, her miniature form practically vibrating with excitement. “Relax, Amelia Jean. I’m here to enhance the educational experience.”
“By ‘enhance,’ do you mean ‘ruin’?” Amelia asked.
Spark grinned. “Tomato, tomahto.”
The Museum Mayhem
The science museum was a maze of interactive exhibits, towering dinosaur skeletons, and enthusiastic docents. Amelia tried to blend in with her classmates, but Spark had other plans.
“This place is marvelous,” Spark declared, perching on a model of the solar system. “Look at all this knowledge just waiting to be improved!”
“Do not ‘improve’ anything,” Amelia hissed.
But it was too late. Spark’s horn began to glow, and suddenly the solar system model sprang to life. Planets started spinning wildly, comets zipped around the room, and the docent let out a startled yelp.
“Who turned on the interactive mode?” the docent asked, looking baffled.
Amelia grabbed Spark and stuffed her back into the bag. “Sorry! Must’ve been a glitch!”
“Glitch?” Spark whispered indignantly. “That was art.”
The Dino Disaster
Things escalated in the dinosaur exhibit. Spark, fascinated by the towering skeletons, decided they could use a little “animation.”
“Spark, don’t you dare—” Amelia started, but Spark was already at it.
With a flick of her horn, the T-Rex skeleton roared to life. It didn’t move—thankfully—but the sound echoed through the hall, causing a small stampede of second graders.
“Who did that?” the teacher demanded, her voice cutting through the chaos.
Amelia froze, clutching her backpack like it was her lifeline. “No idea, Mrs. Nelson!”
Spark’s tiny voice came from inside the bag. “You’re welcome.”
The Gift Shop Gamble
By the time they reached the gift shop, Amelia was convinced the day couldn’t get any worse. But Spark, naturally, proved her wrong.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark whispered, climbing out of the bag and shrinking down to the size of a keychain. “I’ve decided I want a souvenir.”
“You are not buying anything,” Amelia whispered back.
“Correct,” Spark said, her horn glowing. “I’m making one.”
Before Amelia could stop her, Spark zapped a stuffed dinosaur, turning it into a sparkling, animated plush that danced on the shelf.
“Spark!” Amelia hissed, grabbing the toy and shoving it into her bag.
“Amelia!” Lucy whispered, laughing. “You’re going to get caught!”
“I’m going to lose my mind,” Amelia muttered.
The Ride Home
By the time they boarded the bus to go home, Amelia was exhausted. She flopped into her seat, glaring at Spark, who was sitting on the windowsill looking entirely too pleased with herself.
“Today was a disaster,” Amelia said.
“Today was magical,” Spark corrected. “The T-Rex roared, the planets spun, and the gift shop was a hit. You’re welcome.”
“Why do I even let you come with me?” Amelia groaned.
“Because deep down,” Spark said, grinning, “you know life would be boring without me.”
Amelia sighed but couldn’t help smiling a little. “Yeah, maybe. But you owe me big time.”
“Deal,” Spark said, curling up in her bag for the rest of the ride home.
The End (until the next field trip…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.
Peace in the Storm
Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024
Bible Verse:
“And suddenly a great storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered by the waves. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to die!’ He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you of little faith?’ Then he got up, rebuked the wind and the sea, and there was a complete calm.”
– Matthew 8:24-26 (EHV)
Have you ever been caught in a scary storm? Maybe thunder rumbled so loudly that you jumped, or the wind howled like it was playing tag with the trees. That’s how the disciples felt on the stormy sea. The waves crashed over their boat, and they were sure it was all over. But guess what Jesus was doing? He was asleep!
When they woke Him up, Jesus calmly told the storm to stop—and it listened! Jesus showed the disciples (and us!) that He’s in control, even when things feel stormy. Life can have all kinds of “storms”—like tough days, worries, or big changes. But when we trust Jesus, we can have peace, knowing He’s right there in the boat with us.
Why were the disciples afraid during the storm?
How did Jesus show He was in control?
What “storms” in life can we trust Jesus to calm?
Dear Jesus, thank You for being with us in every storm. Help us to trust You when life feels scary and to remember that You have the power to bring peace. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Create a storm in a bottle! Fill a clear bottle halfway with water, add some blue food coloring and glitter, and shake it up to see your “storm.” Then let it settle as a reminder of how Jesus calms the storms in our lives.
Full Bible Reference:
“And suddenly a great storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered by the waves. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to die!’ He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you of little faith?’ Then he got up, rebuked the wind and the sea, and there was a complete calm. The men were amazed, saying, ‘What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!’”
– Matthew 8:24-27 (EHV)
A Baby in a Manger
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024
Bible Verse:
“She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
– Luke 2:7 (EHV)
Have you ever had to make do with what you had? Maybe you forgot your water bottle at soccer practice and had to borrow a teammate’s, or your family had a picnic on the floor because the table was too messy. That’s kind of what happened to Mary and Joseph! There was no room for them in the inn, so they made do with a stable. And instead of a fancy crib, baby Jesus had a manger—a feeding box for animals.
Even though it wasn’t fancy, Jesus’ birth was exactly how God planned it. He came humbly, showing us that greatness doesn’t need golden crowns or royal palaces. It’s a reminder that God can do amazing things in the simplest places—including our hearts.
Why was Jesus laid in a manger instead of a fancy crib?
How does Jesus’ humble birth show God’s love for everyone?
What are simple ways we can welcome Jesus into our hearts?
Dear Jesus, thank You for coming to us in such a humble way. Help us to remember that Your love is for everyone, no matter where we are or what we have. Amen.
Activity Idea:
Make a manger craft out of popsicle sticks or paper. Use it to hold a small paper “baby Jesus” to remind you of His humble birth.
Full Bible Reference:
“She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. There were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flock at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. For behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be for all people.’”
– Luke 2:7-10 (EHV)
Amelia and the Babysitter
Chapter Eleven: Spark the Babysitter
It was a rare evening at the Stratton household: Mom and Dad had plans for a date night, leaving the kids at home.
“You’ll be fine,” Mom said, double-checking her earrings in the hallway mirror. “Amelia’s in charge.”
“Why does Amelia get to be in charge?” Elias grumbled from the couch.
“Because she’s responsible,” Mom said, giving him a pointed look.
Elias frowned. “Define ‘responsible.’”
“It means I’m better at it than you,” Amelia said, smirking as she adjusted the strap of her smartwatch.
“You’re not better at it,” Elias shot back.
“She’s taller,” Dad added, sliding on his jacket.
Elias groaned. “Why does everyone keep bringing that up?”
“Because it’s true,” Spark chimed in, lounging on the arm of the couch in her hamster-sized form.
“Not helping, Spark,” Elias muttered.
The Ground Rules
Mom and Dad stood in the entryway, giving their final instructions.
“No glitter,” Mom said, looking directly at Spark.
“No trampoline portals,” Dad added, raising an eyebrow at Elias.
“No summoning squirrels,” Mom finished, her eyes narrowing at Spark again.
Spark waved a hoof dismissively. “That was one time.”
“And we’re still cleaning up the mess,” Mom replied.
Amelia saluted. “Got it. No glitter, no portals, no squirrels. Anything else?”
“Don’t burn down the house,” Dad said.
“Low bar,” Elias muttered.
“Don’t test me,” Mom said, giving him her patented Mom Look.
With that, the door closed, leaving Amelia, Elias, Iris, and Spark to their own devices.
The Babysitting Begins
Amelia sat at the kitchen table, reviewing her plan for the evening.
“Okay,” she said, tapping her pen on her notepad. “First, we’ll eat dinner. Then, we’ll watch a movie. And finally, we’ll get Iris to bed.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Spark asked, growing to her pony-sized form and pacing the kitchen like a general preparing for battle.
“The fun is in keeping things calm,” Amelia replied.
“Calm is boring,” Spark said dramatically. “We need excitement! Adventure!”
“No, we don’t,” Amelia said firmly.
“Agreed,” Elias added. “Let’s just survive the night without breaking anything.”
Spark sighed. “You mortals have no sense of drama.”
Dinner Drama
Dinner was supposed to be simple: macaroni and cheese with a side of carrots. But Spark had other ideas.
“Amelia Jean,” Spark said as Amelia stirred the pot of noodles, “have you considered spicing this up a bit?”
“It’s mac and cheese, Spark,” Amelia replied. “It doesn’t need spicing up.”
“Everything needs spicing up,” Spark said, her horn glowing faintly.
Before Amelia could stop her, Spark zapped the macaroni, turning it into a shimmering rainbow-colored dish that sparkled like gemstones.
“Spark!” Amelia groaned.
“Relax,” Spark said. “It’s still mac and cheese. Just… fabulous mac and cheese.”
Elias peered into the pot. “Is it even edible?”
Spark huffed. “Of course it is! I enhanced it, not cursed it.”
Iris, meanwhile, was thrilled. “Rainbow mac and cheese!”
Amelia sighed, ladling the glittery concoction onto plates. “If we all get food poisoning, I’m blaming you.”
Movie Mayhem
After dinner, Amelia set up a movie for everyone to watch.
“What are we watching?” Elias asked, settling onto the couch.
“Something safe,” Amelia replied.
“Safe is boring,” Spark muttered, zapping the remote with her horn.
The screen flickered, and suddenly the characters on the TV came to life—literally. A cartoon princess stepped out of the screen, waving cheerfully.
“Hi there!” she said, twirling her dress.
Amelia froze. “Spark, what did you do?”
“Improved the viewing experience,” Spark said proudly.
“Send her back!” Elias shouted, backing away from the princess, who was now examining the living room like she was shopping for furniture.
“Fine,” Spark said with a sigh, zapping the princess back into the TV. “You humans have no appreciation for interactive storytelling.”
“Mom’s going to kill us,” Amelia muttered, flopping onto the couch.
The Bedtime Battle
Getting Iris to bed was the final challenge.
“I don’t wanna go to bed!” Iris protested, clutching Spark like a stuffed animal.
“You have to,” Amelia said, trying to wrangle her sister into pajamas. “It’s bedtime.”
“Not if Spark says no!” Iris declared.
All eyes turned to Spark, who was lounging on the bed, looking entirely too pleased with herself.
“Spark,” Amelia said through gritted teeth, “back me up here.”
“Hmm,” Spark said, tapping her hoof on her chin. “Iris does make a compelling argument.”
“Fine,” Spark said, hopping off the bed. “Iris, you must sleep now to recharge your energy for tomorrow’s adventures.”
Iris pouted but eventually complied, crawling under her blanket.
Mom and Dad Return
By the time Mom and Dad got home, the house was surprisingly intact.
“How’d it go?” Mom asked, looking suspicious.
“No major disasters,” Amelia said proudly.
“Define ‘major,’” Elias muttered.
Mom narrowed her eyes. “What does that mean?”
“Nothing!” Amelia said quickly.
Dad grinned. “Sounds like book material to me.”
Mom sighed. “Of course it does.”
As Spark curled up on the couch, she smiled at Amelia. “Admit it, Amelia Jean. Babysitting is more fun with me around.”
Amelia rolled her eyes. “It’s definitely… something.”
Spark grinned. “You’re welcome.”
The End (or the start of Spark’s babysitting career…)
Disclosure: These prose were written with the assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4o.